Friday, September 4, 2009



I dowan chase y'all alr lah! Only Alana and I have paid up so far. Rest of you, WALLETS OUT, MONEY TO ME :D THANKYOU VERYMUCH. You know how much you have to pay right. Special costs? Mmm. I ordered alr, should be arriving aft hols? Heh.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Invocation & Toccata

Hello there! We have another new song to learn, Invocation and Toccata ): Shuckzxzx. It's really hard, aite? And before we have a chance to perfect it she'll prolly move on to a new song alr. We haven't even reach the third page of the score before! Sheesh.

CCA stand down's soon. :(: (Must not display feelings)

I suddenly have this urge to be in Nanjing on Dec 12. ))))): WHYEEEE. Past few years I've been to Shanghai, Nanjing AND Beijing but this year when they're going these few places, NO I MUST BE GROUNDED IN SG WHILE THE FAMILY GOES JAPANNNNNN. DARN IT. (I'm sorry for posting personal stuff here, okay shall make it small then)

Let's bond more as a section okay! (: So that next year's POP can be as enjoyable as this year's! WHITESSSS. The sec threes want Hotel okay. >:) Start saving up! Btw, we have a lot of section debts. Mostly 2s and 3s. I'll be messaging y'all soon to remind you guys to pay up! (Care Bears, Tuner and SOMETHING ELSE :D)

Okay I'm sorry the Angel Mortal was screwed btw. We must work out a better way to carry them out! (: Try again on Thursday/ Friday? Or dyall want to push till aft EOYs? I think its fine either way (:

Oh man, nothing at the end of this year ): So weird! We're practically practicing aimlessly. When I was sec one there was the Christmas concert, sec two the Genting trip.. AISH so weird.

(For me), EOYS IN 27 DAYS! D: D: D:
HELP ME SAVE ME HELP ME SAVE ME ): I barely started revising, and with the speed I revise it'll take until next year before I understand everything ):

Okay study hard people. Get many many many many many A1s (:

*I revived our dead blog! (: