Sunday, May 31, 2009

POP '09


POP is over, and the blues has passed out. Now it's left with GreensWhitesGreys. We can do it right? (:

I'm think all of us enjoyed ourselves a lot during POP, enjoyed our last time spent together as a section and all. Well, it wasn't easy for us to be bonded like that, we've been through so much together! And sometimes, not so together. :/ This time, the BluesGreensWhites are so bonded and close <3

SexyTrumpets has emerged triumphant!

POP stay was da bombz! We had such a nice room all thanks to Annabelle and her mum! :D So, we totally had fun having Fairmont's Next Top Model PhotoShoots! Whoever has the photos quickly send :D

I'm falling asleep again! For the rest of POP, go to our blogs, or maybe someone else can post about it here :D

Thank you Bernadette, Sichen, Huimin and Bernice for being with us through our band life, which has ended for you'll, and for us, a beginning of a new one without you guys!

<3 Alana

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jubilate VI

Jubilate VI. The last performance we'll have as a section. The last time we'll ever play together as a band. I enjoyed it tremendously.

Personally, I felt that throughout this one year, we've grown a lot as a section. Happy or unhappy incidents, we've managed to walk out almost unchanged. We're much more bonded as a section now, aite? (: Seriously we never even shed a single tear last year! D:

So we spent the whole of Jubilate VI day taking last photos. Next week, Huimin and Bernadette ain't coming for band (and Weiyun'll die), so technically Thursday was our last band prac together ): (And trumpets JUST had to set up on that day. URGH) DON'T Y'ALL JUST THINK THAT THE REHEARSAL IN THE HOLDING ROOM WAS UNBELIEVABLE? :D The intensity was seriously there. One thing I love about SNSB is how we pluck music out of nowhere, and make it oh-so-wonderful. (: Victory was the part that made me so emotionally-high D: Then at the section hug I just broke down lah ): The first ever section hug we ever ever had, and it spoke so much, without trying. Some things don't have to be said yeah?

&The performance on stage. Wasn't as well as in the Holding Room, but whatever. We're good :D As the last chord intensified and resonated, I felt a tinge of sadness ): That would be the last note we ever play as a band. E for firsts, C# for seconds, A for thirds. Jericho was the perfect end. From the Years of Exile (Separation more like it), we proceeded to fight battles (NBC, Genting, SYF) and emerged with VICTORY! and now we have Celebration. On POP, it ends on this perfect chord.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Before I go back to mugging my brains out, I shall do an advert for JOLYNN (:

She's having a bake sale, go support her okay! It looks delicious so I'll prolly buy from her. Soon :D Like after POP. JOLYNN'S BLOG.

*Actually I was just looking at her blog and felt really hungry :o(

OUR NOMS ARE COMING SOON! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG -terror fit- Do not laugh at any of us if we screw up ah! ): BTW, POP FUND!

Sec Ones pay 20bucks
Sec Twos and Threes, we've been making hefty contributions (:
Sec Fours pay 10bucks

PAY UP PAY UP! Gah being loanshark is tiring ): Seeing money is fulfilling $.$


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hello everyone!

We can't just let this die here! So I'm here taking a break from BIO D:

It's our NOMS on friday! I'm really scared D: We haven't been practising and it's less than a week away )): Apart from that, EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK FORWARD TO BAND CAMP! :D Jiawen you cannot cry during Night Games ah! If not you have to give me chocolates, OKAY! :D

&The following Friday is Jubilate, && the following following Friday is POP D: This is really sad, everything seems so rush! POP presents are leaving my pockets empty and me starving.

May is a busy and sad month ):

Okay, done with a post :D