Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Before I go back to mugging my brains out, I shall do an advert for JOLYNN (:

She's having a bake sale, go support her okay! It looks delicious so I'll prolly buy from her. Soon :D Like after POP. JOLYNN'S BLOG.

*Actually I was just looking at her blog and felt really hungry :o(

OUR NOMS ARE COMING SOON! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG -terror fit- Do not laugh at any of us if we screw up ah! ): BTW, POP FUND!

Sec Ones pay 20bucks
Sec Twos and Threes, we've been making hefty contributions (:
Sec Fours pay 10bucks

PAY UP PAY UP! Gah being loanshark is tiring ): Seeing money is fulfilling $.$


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