Friday, July 10, 2009

dang >:(

EH YOU POOPS why is the section blog so dead? You all owe me Alana Natty poo a lunch I tell you, we're the ones who kept this blog going! Oh and Huimin guest starred once (:

Anyway, I'm really EGGCITED about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! And my Oral today was really interesting (: But cause it ain't my blog I shan't post (: ASK ME! :D

SECTION OUTING SOON OKAY OKAY? ALL MUST COME ): COME ON! We'll go some weird place and mug for EOYs. PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE? Eh I'm begging y'all lah. Don't like that please ): No study also go play. COME ON. Okay hahah wth.

I have a cough now. Have y'all been practicing hard? ): I haven't. Feel so guilty. But now a part of the CL Os is over, I will begin :D We shall be Best Section in SNSB! But its okay cause I alr see y'all as the best! (SAY AWWWWW...)

Okay I must go study now (: See y'all, kiddos!

PS I'm rly sad self prac was cancelled, cause I wanted to bring scones I BAKED and let y'all try ):


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