Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorry guys.

I'm terribly sorry I'm not going back for NBC ): Trust me, I've thought a lot about it, I've lost so much sleep, I've talked w so many people, I've pulled out so many strands of hair. I'm sorry if this seems like I'm breaking my promise to you guys, but today something happened that really made me decide I don't have to go back for NBC. And you guys will do fine w/o us. Do try to play louder, tho. (Did you know we were in the room next to you all, listening to you play? >) )

Whatever it is, I wish you guys all the best for NBC, there are seniors who will be going back. Yes, nice and kind seniors unlike me who is feeling self-centered and selfish now ._. No matter what people will say to you in the upcoming month leading up to the competition, please don't take them to heart. Esp things like you can't play, or you're pulling the band down. Our section has been through so many of these negative comments ._. Whatever others say, continue working hard and do yourselves and the section proud.

Once again, I'm terribly very extremely sorry, please don't hate me or wdv kay D: Will try to go back for sectionals occasionally (:

ps: Ah-lah-nah's sick, get well sooooon!
crap three sciences tmr I dowan T.T

♥weiyun who isn't good at expressing herself.

ignore the huge chunk of words here, a picture speaks a thousand words:


And I hope that you will be like this on July 10th:

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