Monday, May 31, 2010


Flower from VALERIE<3
told you i hate blogger, argh getting extremely pissed. Cant put the pictures in proper seq>:(

Hello peeps! Lol, ZI'm finally posting. Must forgive me! Cos I hate posting man>< Uploading pictures on blogger sucks, its so slow and irritating ;/ BUT! I shall post bout Jubilate since ere ain't any post bout it yet:D
Took ALOT of pictures during coffee latte(Idk why I said this either), shall TRY to post the more glam photos:) so don't kill me after this :P

Flowers from Weiyun and Alana

Claudia and Valerie's funny shoot (:

On the bus back to school~ sadT.T

IDK WHY REPEAT! Damn blogger:( cant delete it either

Val and Michelle(:

Me and Jolynn(:

claudia and val <3

Eggie:D and val

Marianne and Val(:

Me and val:D

Lol idk why i took this either ><>

Michell! so cute :)I mean Both the chicken and Michelle:P

Claudia with Bee Hoon Beard:D

Jia wen<3 with Nat, Alana and Weiyun eating at the back :D so cute!^^

The FOOD! It was good lors! At least the chicken is better than the firsh :s

Eating in silences= Mad hungry :D

Eating cum chatting!Everyone look so happy smiling): The wondeful memories of Green's Last Jubilate ;(

Say cheese! Cute Claudia and Marissa <3 (DINNER)

Greens practicing with all their might for the last time;(

I'll miss you greens!): Feel so sad and teary while looking at the pics now ):

Jiawen practicing hard!(: ASL ALL THE WAY^^

Kekeke, Claudia grinning!

The articulate ultimate winning Duo!(:

Michelle concentrating! Now I finally understand wht they mean when they say u that one look the best when working hard(:

Marianne so cutezz><>< but she puffing:(

Weiyun and Alana practicing together for the last time!): You guys look so nice (:
(Ps: I spie my yellow bottle and natasha's sexy legs :D)

THE Trumpeters leading for SYF2011!<3

Nat look like a orang utan >< Claudia dreaming :D JIa wen look so prim and proper :P

Aw, so sweet and close!^^ Love this! Look at the mirror and back view! Whites and Greens forever!<3
Warning: ignore this pic)

My disgusting socks! All rolled up and messy. YUCKS!!><

MUHAHAA:D Love my skills! Unplanned serious shoot^^

The awesome Gs! Greens and Greys! Although we only got closer as a section this year, the memories and happiness spent is unforgetable!

Failure at candit shoot:(
Weiyun's reaction too fast!
JIawen and lalana looks cute! Nat concentrating to talk on the phone(:

AWESOME GREYS! lol, can see claudia's phone! But i love it(:

Rest of the band w idk who's butt:p!(sorry! whoever u r) THe tuba looks somehow damn shine and royal<3

Candit by awesome me! Greens and white having fun^^ Nat and lalana look so sweet! Weiyun and Jiawen playing around i guess?!

Messy section): Actually I mean messy Greys^^ Cornet all over the place:P


Jolene and Val preparing for tap tap :D

Yes, the Sexy hot trumpeters!

Failure at candit! Val found out:(

Is that considered a guilty smile for eating in front of me?! Looks real sweet though^^

Omg, love my skills again! Claudia searching her bag for more FOOD<3>

Found out alr! At least I got Jolynn^^ Tieing her hair(:

*Smiles*Marissa and Marianne!

Michelle! Damn cute! Sorry for not sitting with you ): YOu had to sit all aone)):

Whites! THe smiles are So sweeet!^^

Natasha in the bus! LIke the smile:X

Jiawen eatting her Marshmellow and natsha day dreaming of AWESOME JASMINE(:
Haha, i think thats all! Man! took 3 hours to do the stupid photos>:( But its worth it:D See! My candits are not bad ok! The pictures of Greens practicing are actually nice<3>
Nevertheless, Jubilate was GREAT(: Had lotsa fun taking pictures of u'll all, eating at ichiban sushi, which i forgot to take photos probably because i was too tired, playing on stage and practicing at the dance studio . I realise i love trumpets so much although I only joined band for only 1 and a half years . Without Claudia, Marianne, Marissa, Michelle, Weiyun, Alana, Jolynn, Valerie, Natasha and Jiawen i don't know if i will still be standing at where i am today. Ok so cliche and mushy but in sec 1 ms sia always send me out and scold me infront of the sec1 squad band. Although i break down most of the time, Marianne, claudia, michelle, marissa and all of u were still be there for me(: I feel so much better with you'll around. Like marissa,claudia and marianne will try so hard to teach a music idiot (which i still am now) the c major for many band pratices. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH for that ): I love you'll! (: I will definitely miss Sec4s alot!): So becareful! I will confirm WITHOUT HESITATION spam your msn, phone inbox and burst out to a enthu HI when i see you in sch! Don't give me the weird look if i do that kay!! Will be hurted;/ OHOHOH! AND I Regreted not hugging you all! I realise Greys didnt hug you all during POP or Jubilate ): Boo hoo!!! Ok. omg although i want to continue crapping here, i gtg. Tomorrow still got band and I havent prepare yet:/ Ms sia coming back tomorrow:): I have mixed feelings. Part of my scared she test and i screw up, end up getting scolded but part of me miss her:D hah, yes, i know its incredible that i actually miss her. Sigh, Will try my best to play and not be scared of her! Shall heed all the whites and greens encouragement to play and ignore her scariness :P In total(sounds like lit essay,lol), THANK YOU'LL FOR ALL YOUR WONDERFUL POP LETTERS, PRESENTS, FOOD AND LOVE!:) JASMINE LOVES everyone of you'll! THE FISHBALL(MARIANNE),DOOR(CLAUDIA),EGGIE(MARISSA),MICHELLEEE,WEIYUNNN,JOLYNNNN,LALANA,AWESOME AND NOT LOSUY AT ALL JIAWENNNN, VAL AND NATASHAAAA!
With lots and lots of love,
Jasmine the awesome one

Oh, i forgot! Alana on the bus(: Spending quality time with her pod(:

Sorry sorry sorry for spamming the section blog! MY post is too long)):

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