Thursday, May 27, 2010


Omg I'm crying like an idiot alone at home right now. Thankgod my family's out. I've just read your POP letters and everything again and burst into tears -.-

I'm really gonna miss you guys so so so much. Thanks a million for this awesome POP (: It was a really nice surprise :D I have a limited range of vocab and can't express how awesome it was (: And it's totally awesome how well our section can Articulate. :D I mean, Weiyun and I own(: I had a really fun time laughing at/with/by (oh gosh the grammatical error, uh you get what I mean) y'all! Thanks Marissa for bringing the game and your parents for getting the suite for us too!:D

I can only upload the photos tomorrow (: Send the pics soon! Or just post on FB. And don't tag unglams. Please, tyvm.

To the whole section:
Thank you for being really awesome people and thinking that I'm scary (Yes, almost every letter had that okay! But I know :D) I'll never regret joining band and being in the trumpet section (: iloveyouall! <3>:) We won't scold you! :D Who gave you the idea that we will scold huh? I can't promise anything if the posts (photos) aren't nice and glam though :D

Okay, I shall go take a nap.. I guess?

Imma proud trumpeter of 2007-2010 (:

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