Thursday, May 27, 2010


I just wanna say I really really really love all of you all (: And I do miss you guys alr. Let's have a section outing. To uhm. Study. Because that's all I will go out for this hols.

Okay feeling damn tired now. WHO WOKE US UP TODAY.

Do well for NBC! (: Will decide whether to go back soon.

♥weiyun who has been nagging at you all like crap but now it'll be natasha's turn.

Okay back from hibernation so I edit this :D

As usual the OCD side of me states I must edit photos and make them pretttaye (:

Greys and Greens!
Retirees and New Employees (SNSB Trumpet Department)

Retirees and New Employees (SNSB Finance and Admin Department)
Whites and Greens!
SLs and ASLs!
Trumpet Section 2009-2010! ♥

Anyway as your (retired) SL I wanna thank you for the past one year and everything you've contributed to band (: Everytime I see someone bringing the instru home I feel damn proud of you cause I know just how heavy it is. Although some sections beg to differ. But carrying it home is really very tiring. So thankyou everyone for practicing so hard (:

Idk whether you think you can do it for NBC or SYF, but trust me, so long you work hard you will get there. Last year we didn't think a Gold was possible for SYF, but look at where we are (: Right now, we're part of a GWH band and I'm sure you guys want to keep the legacy righttttt, so must continue working hard! I've said this numerous times, but I'll say it again. SL and ASL must lead the section well and the rest must follow :D Don't give them trouble okay, what they ask you to do must followzxzx. Because I've been thru this, so I can safely tell you its not easy to speak over 10+ trumpets.

No matter how tough the going gets, always remember to help each other, pick each other up along the way, don't leave people behind and regret it later on alright (:

We'll always remember you guys don't worry lol. We're a pretty awesome section, albeit slightly anti-social but who cares we have fun by ourselves in high class places while the rest of the world is at Chalets :D

All the best in band/ studies/ life. The world sucks but we will survive :D

PS: I really think Noah's Ark is a pretty good song so if you enjoy the song and feel the song it would really do wonders to your playing. Because your techniques may be perfect but if you do not inject feelings into your playing it's not gonna work (:

Oh did I mention half of my POP letters are in pink LOL.

Contact me for bigger and more unglam pictures :D

"SYF 2011, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School, Gold.. With Honours!"

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