Friday, May 28, 2010


Hey guys! I wanna confess that i haven't been trying very hard to make an effort to get to know all of you. I dread every band practice and just go and get it over with just because i had to but i now realise how dumb that was. I mean, since i HAD to go for band like 8 hours a week for almost 52 weeks, i may as well have made full use of that time right? I never knew how much band has become a part of me. You may think its a chore now but you all are gonna miss it! Trust me, i thought i couldn't wait to finally get out of band. I am relieved, but I'm going to miss it. It's like a chapter of your life is gone forever in just a blink of an eye and then you start to realise how much you haven't treasured it enough.

Being in band isn't just about playing your trumpet well. It's the people too. & I'm glad that i have the best sectionmates everrr! To WeiYun, Alana and Valerie, I'm so proud of us being so bonded throughout these 3 yrs++, going through everything from our first ever performance (with the yellows!)to our last Jubilate, and from being the clueless sec1s that we were to seniors now who have just passed on our duty in band to the next batch of bandits! I'm reeeally going to miss you guys and my life in band wouldn't be as great if it weren't for you babes! Having good company is like half the joy of being in band and being able to play your instrument & songs well is just a bonus.

To the juniors, you all are really fun company. It took me a year to accept the whites as part of the section and another year to accept the greys but its too bad that we no longer have the chance to play together as a section anymore. JiaWen and Natasha, you all went through SYF with us and witnessed firsthand the drive we had to practice hard so I'm sure you all will do a great job pumping the section up for NBC and SYF next year too! Both of you have great potential to play well and to develop the section even further so don't deprive yourselves of that okay! To the greys, i kinda see a little bit of the greens in you all and i hope you guys will have the same awesome experiences as us and stay bonded till the end!

Overall, don't leave band with any regrets. & work hard together for SYF even though it may get tough because the feeling of achieving your goal after so much hard work is really priceless!(We celebrated for like 2 weeks!) & the experience will be a memorable one.

And thank you all for the BEST POP we've ever had in band! Seriously, it was awesome and you guys probably know that yourselves too! Thank you for preparing the yummy food & Marissa, thank you for booking the superrr classy room for us! Even though we messed the place up pretty badly by the next day. And did you guys realise that the whole night of playing Articulate was like our first ever successful section bonding?! And we didn't even plan for it! Yup, so it was a very good ending(: I was already missing it on my way home! I'll miss you guys and i love you all!

Love, Jolynn

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