Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Our skin just screwed itself up. So it can stay white till some kind soul is nice enough to find another background image? :D Okay enough HTML for the night. I'm tired of squinting at numbers.

Section outing soon?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ah I still remember the pw!

:D Weiyun should just post instead of flooding the tagboard yeah? hee!

Ms Sia has been in such a great mood these few pracs eh? We improved (A bit, as she says)! :D :D :D Yay! And there's no more band pracs till dec! Right right? Happiness :D Though that means the neighbours have to -ahem- tolerate the trumpets/cornets at home. (If we practise, that is) OH. The next prac we will have is in the Oh-So-New Compound. D: Sigh.

Anyone wants section outing? (: It's been long, and I guess we need some bonding? But I think I'm talking to myself here anyway, since not many of you come to see this dying blog. :/

Chinese O's on Tues! I'm saturating my brain with Chinese like never before, and to say the truth, I'm starting to not hate chinese so much. Shocking much? :D And maybe partly due to the fact that MR SWINE took away my only chance of staying in Beijing for 6 weeks. @#^&*^ Now I'm stuck in SG for my holidays. I'm mad. Really annoyed and disgusted with everything that is coming my way. ):

Kay, I'm sorry for being in such a bitchy mood. I JUST DON'T LIKE THE P________ now. Can't spell it out since the blog's not privated and unwanted visitors may just repost them somewhere. Hah.


P.S The section bench is in a state never seen before :D (since the last time I was there anyway, which was thurs, lol)

Friday, September 4, 2009



I dowan chase y'all alr lah! Only Alana and I have paid up so far. Rest of you, WALLETS OUT, MONEY TO ME :D THANKYOU VERYMUCH. You know how much you have to pay right. Special costs? Mmm. I ordered alr, should be arriving aft hols? Heh.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Invocation & Toccata

Hello there! We have another new song to learn, Invocation and Toccata ): Shuckzxzx. It's really hard, aite? And before we have a chance to perfect it she'll prolly move on to a new song alr. We haven't even reach the third page of the score before! Sheesh.

CCA stand down's soon. :(: (Must not display feelings)

I suddenly have this urge to be in Nanjing on Dec 12. ))))): WHYEEEE. Past few years I've been to Shanghai, Nanjing AND Beijing but this year when they're going these few places, NO I MUST BE GROUNDED IN SG WHILE THE FAMILY GOES JAPANNNNNN. DARN IT. (I'm sorry for posting personal stuff here, okay shall make it small then)

Let's bond more as a section okay! (: So that next year's POP can be as enjoyable as this year's! WHITESSSS. The sec threes want Hotel okay. >:) Start saving up! Btw, we have a lot of section debts. Mostly 2s and 3s. I'll be messaging y'all soon to remind you guys to pay up! (Care Bears, Tuner and SOMETHING ELSE :D)

Okay I'm sorry the Angel Mortal was screwed btw. We must work out a better way to carry them out! (: Try again on Thursday/ Friday? Or dyall want to push till aft EOYs? I think its fine either way (:

Oh man, nothing at the end of this year ): So weird! We're practically practicing aimlessly. When I was sec one there was the Christmas concert, sec two the Genting trip.. AISH so weird.

(For me), EOYS IN 27 DAYS! D: D: D:
HELP ME SAVE ME HELP ME SAVE ME ): I barely started revising, and with the speed I revise it'll take until next year before I understand everything ):

Okay study hard people. Get many many many many many A1s (:

*I revived our dead blog! (:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sound Of The Music


HOHOHO I used to watch that show! My music teacher let us watch (: YAY new song finally, but BOO to solo! Let's hope that Conductor's Score is lost forever, ever, ever.. (:

Shit I have one test a Day this week ): Okay bye. Hang on tight people! 2 More Days to FUN SECTIONALS (:

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Hello dearies, I'm really bored.

I don't want to know what we'd be playing in band now. Stand by me? Ahhh D: Really, I want CCA stand down soon! And we will all be good little trumpeters and bring home our instruments to irritate the shit out of our neighbours again :D

Nehh. I'm bored x69865401354878


Thou shall go find something to do,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009




Monday, July 20, 2009

Hi all!

so since i've got 53% chance of getting H1N1, i'll probably not be going for band for the whole week, so practise hard even if ms sia scolds you:) and dont miss me too much:)


Friday, July 17, 2009



Kiddies, put on a happy face, you'll be able to see ME. (: Haven't y'all like missed me? :D

I'm feeling so kind and generous now. Thus, for christmas this year, I'll get y'all ONE macaron each! (: Aren't I like so nice? I wanted to get macarons today but there was no time ):

Sigh, Sia will surely start scolding us on Tues.. Lack of prac ): Okay let's not think in that direction. My father's being an diot bout using the comp. GRAH. Kay see y'all really soon kiddies (: I WAS JUST BEING LAME


Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, this is one of the 3 who posts here (: Have you'll been buzzing? I haven't ): &Everytime I promise myself I will, I still don't! I hope cca don't resume this week, we are all still enjoying our band-less weeks right! (: But week 3 is still not so bad, week 4 is killer for us ): CL Listening, Chem, and Geog. Consecutive days! Sigh.

I think I gained weight! From eating so much, and no morning jogs, and not exercising much! Okay, that was really random but I don't care (:

Why isn't anyone else posting huh!

Flutters off to study Fairy World,
Alana :D
Hello hello:)

so how's life everybody:) mine is okay i guess, rly boring w/o band, got so much time but just dont feel like studying:( yes yes, michael jackson is gone, but it doesnt rly affect me:) but if nat ho dies:( omgomgomg! choy choy choy! hahah, havent seen him for rly long already:) hahah, anyways, i heard cca resuming next week, must buzz more:)) bye! miss yall:)


Friday, July 10, 2009

dang >:(

EH YOU POOPS why is the section blog so dead? You all owe me Alana Natty poo a lunch I tell you, we're the ones who kept this blog going! Oh and Huimin guest starred once (:

Anyway, I'm really EGGCITED about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! And my Oral today was really interesting (: But cause it ain't my blog I shan't post (: ASK ME! :D

SECTION OUTING SOON OKAY OKAY? ALL MUST COME ): COME ON! We'll go some weird place and mug for EOYs. PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE? Eh I'm begging y'all lah. Don't like that please ): No study also go play. COME ON. Okay hahah wth.

I have a cough now. Have y'all been practicing hard? ): I haven't. Feel so guilty. But now a part of the CL Os is over, I will begin :D We shall be Best Section in SNSB! But its okay cause I alr see y'all as the best! (SAY AWWWWW...)

Okay I must go study now (: See y'all, kiddos!

PS I'm rly sad self prac was cancelled, cause I wanted to bring scones I BAKED and let y'all try ):


Sunday, June 28, 2009


School's reopening tomorrow and I'm not looking forward at ALL ): Okay, who would anyway. Only those we are seriously bored out of their wits, without anything to do would want to go back to school. -.- Really regretted going for Job Attachment! Going for band pracs would be fine with me :/ Oh wells, the time is alr lost.

And I still can't get back a TONE after these few days of practising. Only the low notes are fine, but after that all cmi cmi cmi! Shucks. I'm really hoping that something will miraculously happen tomorrow, We can do it! :D

H1N1 cases over 400! Okay, that was random of me. But take care of yourselves alright! :D


Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello smellykins. This seems like my blog alr -.- BLOG MORE IDIOTS! >:)

Sigh. Anyway, AYG marchpast. We must do a good job kay. Shut all the Real Idiots up. Sigh, I feel very pressurized alr.. Cause I can't really play well ): Seriously. I'll let you hear on monday. Never see Sexy for a month alr.. Bet she hates me more than ever. AISH! Okay smellies, try hard not to disappoint! (: I have absolute faith that everyone playing on monday will give their all and show them the power of Hot Sexy Trumpeters! (: Juniors, learn your parts well, and seniors must revise and play even better than when we were sec one okay! I know that we seldom play full Spartans, and never touch Sousa for a long time alr.. Oh did you know last time Sherrilyn/ Jolynn (can't remember) used to suddenly play Sousa just like that? Lol they said it was easy, much easier than the songs we were playing.. Sigh. All in all let's do our best! (: &CCA break, hip hip hurray!

Juniors help us buy bread alright? (:

Go watch We Got Married (Hyun Joon and Hwang Bo) I came home feeling down and blue but after watching that, I was having silent fits of laughter :D Spasms more like it. AISH! Okay I'm going to learn my Korean now!

안녕! annyeong! Stay happy smellywellies (:

PS Michael Jackson died, oh.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Attention to all Trumpeters, please do not return to school for band prac if you've gone overseas to H1N1 infected areas in the past 7 days. Have social responsibility and stay at home and isolate yourself from others like a good girl (: Thankyou!


GRAH, Chinese O's in a bit. Must practice. Work hard smelly people.

My job's boring shizzzz ahhhhhh, ask Alana ): I DOWAN TO WORK!

Love, Short Sexy Weiyun :D :D :D

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Short Smelly Weiyun

Hello my friends. This is Short Smelly Weiyun posting.

Next week Valerie, Alana and I shall be gone for Job Attachment! :D Hee you people enjoy your time with Sia and listen to dear Jolynn alright! :D And my job ends at -coughcoughcough- but I won't go back to see y'all! :D Okay okay don't be jealous, you'll all get your turn somehow.

Sigh I dowan to work leh. ): But I dowan go bnad! Have yall been practising? I have, like once in 3 days :D I'll go back to Lousy Tone again lah ): SIGHHHHH don't laugh at me okay!

No firsts. Hahahaha :D

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ideas for improvement

Improvement idea! :D

1. Let's have lots of boxes in the section to contain Essential Elements/ I Recomment/ 3D Band Book/ Files (according to parts)/ Stands/ Mutes/ Tuners! OMG I'm darn eggcited for shopping trip on Tuesday! Are we inviting the Retired Ones?

2. Roster for carrying all those stupid shiz! Hee I'm in the process of working something out aite :D

3. Section Diary! Like this book then we pass around and write entries in it! I think its so cool, wheeeee :D

Okay I have Lit extended tmr ): -whines-

I'm getting 2 of this. Be jealous ((((:

<3 Your Lousy SL (:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

my gosh, i miss the blues already.

i always love Trumpet Section 2008-2009

:) natasha :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To: Triumphant Trumpeteers

Hello wello! Guess who! I am Fairmont's Next Top (TOILET) Model, omg, and you guys are so fortunate to have a personal note from me!
Anyway, how was your 1st band prac? TEACHING THE GREYSSSSS!! I bet Natasha's having lots of fun-.- &&& I still owe you your letter and i promise to give it to you asap!
OHHHH, i really loved our POP. It's damn fun camwhoring and pretending we are models when...I KNOW I AM TOO FAT AND SHORT TO BE ONE!! Unlike Jolynn ah, wow, innate la!
Okay, i shall keep it sweet and short(:


Sunday, May 31, 2009

POP '09


POP is over, and the blues has passed out. Now it's left with GreensWhitesGreys. We can do it right? (:

I'm think all of us enjoyed ourselves a lot during POP, enjoyed our last time spent together as a section and all. Well, it wasn't easy for us to be bonded like that, we've been through so much together! And sometimes, not so together. :/ This time, the BluesGreensWhites are so bonded and close <3

SexyTrumpets has emerged triumphant!

POP stay was da bombz! We had such a nice room all thanks to Annabelle and her mum! :D So, we totally had fun having Fairmont's Next Top Model PhotoShoots! Whoever has the photos quickly send :D

I'm falling asleep again! For the rest of POP, go to our blogs, or maybe someone else can post about it here :D

Thank you Bernadette, Sichen, Huimin and Bernice for being with us through our band life, which has ended for you'll, and for us, a beginning of a new one without you guys!

<3 Alana

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jubilate VI

Jubilate VI. The last performance we'll have as a section. The last time we'll ever play together as a band. I enjoyed it tremendously.

Personally, I felt that throughout this one year, we've grown a lot as a section. Happy or unhappy incidents, we've managed to walk out almost unchanged. We're much more bonded as a section now, aite? (: Seriously we never even shed a single tear last year! D:

So we spent the whole of Jubilate VI day taking last photos. Next week, Huimin and Bernadette ain't coming for band (and Weiyun'll die), so technically Thursday was our last band prac together ): (And trumpets JUST had to set up on that day. URGH) DON'T Y'ALL JUST THINK THAT THE REHEARSAL IN THE HOLDING ROOM WAS UNBELIEVABLE? :D The intensity was seriously there. One thing I love about SNSB is how we pluck music out of nowhere, and make it oh-so-wonderful. (: Victory was the part that made me so emotionally-high D: Then at the section hug I just broke down lah ): The first ever section hug we ever ever had, and it spoke so much, without trying. Some things don't have to be said yeah?

&The performance on stage. Wasn't as well as in the Holding Room, but whatever. We're good :D As the last chord intensified and resonated, I felt a tinge of sadness ): That would be the last note we ever play as a band. E for firsts, C# for seconds, A for thirds. Jericho was the perfect end. From the Years of Exile (Separation more like it), we proceeded to fight battles (NBC, Genting, SYF) and emerged with VICTORY! and now we have Celebration. On POP, it ends on this perfect chord.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Before I go back to mugging my brains out, I shall do an advert for JOLYNN (:

She's having a bake sale, go support her okay! It looks delicious so I'll prolly buy from her. Soon :D Like after POP. JOLYNN'S BLOG.

*Actually I was just looking at her blog and felt really hungry :o(

OUR NOMS ARE COMING SOON! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG -terror fit- Do not laugh at any of us if we screw up ah! ): BTW, POP FUND!

Sec Ones pay 20bucks
Sec Twos and Threes, we've been making hefty contributions (:
Sec Fours pay 10bucks

PAY UP PAY UP! Gah being loanshark is tiring ): Seeing money is fulfilling $.$


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hello everyone!

We can't just let this die here! So I'm here taking a break from BIO D:

It's our NOMS on friday! I'm really scared D: We haven't been practising and it's less than a week away )): Apart from that, EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK FORWARD TO BAND CAMP! :D Jiawen you cannot cry during Night Games ah! If not you have to give me chocolates, OKAY! :D

&The following Friday is Jubilate, && the following following Friday is POP D: This is really sad, everything seems so rush! POP presents are leaving my pockets empty and me starving.

May is a busy and sad month ):

Okay, done with a post :D


Thursday, April 30, 2009


secones, link yourselves, i have no idea what your blogs are & i found out Marianne is very fluent in her malay.

PS, i have accomplished a milestone in my life today:) *winks* annabelle/jiawen *winks*


i must go sleep like, NOW, cause tomorrow going section alana outing at like 1030h. MEET AT 1030h. can die. BYE:)

love, me:)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


introducing the trumpet section:)

specifically, ms annabelle chew, in our fabulous section tee:)
and ME, the cutest of them all:)))))

ps, i love you annabelle:) cheer up:)

pps, Oh-My! i spy with my mouthepiece hole, something that is cute and pretty *coughs*

ppps, only weiyun understands:)))))))))

love, me:)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dear Dying Blog,

I'm sorry but we're busy people, we do not blog here frequently ):

Today's punishment session was da bomb right! :D I can feel muscles forming. I think this is much better than pumping alone. You get jelly arms lah! But you know my WO Squats I was like DYING by 7 ): 10 WO Squats = 49 actual Squats. Idk why I went to do tho. I purposely wore shorter pinafore today cause I thought have drills! ): SIGHHHH so out of a bit of guilt and a lot is to accompany Christine Fat Lim Kai Ling. See I so nice :D OMG I just typed a load of crap ): AIYA.

WE MUST HAVE POP MEETING SOON PEOPLE. Sec threes are busy fellas. I show you!

Week 6: Band Camp Proposal due Tuesday
Week 7: Conducting on Tuesday, Sec Three Leadership Camp Wed-Fri (Don't miss us too much!)
Week 8: Band camp I THINK
Week 9: Jubilate? I really don't know now
Week 10: Band Dinner, our Chinese Prelims, POP D:


Love, Weiyun the Marvellous

Friday, April 17, 2009

&we laugh

Hello trumpets (:

EE very little people come one! ): &I feel that a blog's not complete without pictures, so let's post some :D

Kay byebye and post more! Dunno user/ pw get from meeeee (: Thanks!

<3WEIYUN the cool one 8)

My fingers are weak from drills so I can't type properly! Okay, don't see why fingers are used in drills, but muscles just aren't working. :/

&I don't think I'm the only one who didn't see the user and pass today weiyun wrote on the board right? :D

I want HAPPY and PRODUCTIVE Friday sectionals again! ):

<3 Alana

today band was fun:) did drills:)

and my hand is perpetually in the lock arms position now.





a.k.a Mrs Nat Ho

Monday, April 6, 2009
